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Ledger Web

Ledger Web was initially created to bridge the gap between a smartphone and Ledger CLI by exposing a HTTP API. Since then it evolved into a more general web UI for Ledger.



I consider Ledger Web a companion to the regular Ledger CLI, not a replacement, so it tries to add things missing in Ledger (+ some convenient goodies) while not reinventing the wheel. These are some features visibly missing from Ledger Web.

Known Bugs


Mobile version



Replacement rules

Ledger journal

Ledger Web on Kindle


Ledger Web is designed to be constantly running on a server so it’s easily accessible from mobile devices. That being said, it’s possible to run it on demand locally for example just to analyze the charts. The instructions below assume the former case though.


There is a live demo available to try out Ledger Web before installation.

Login: demo
Password: demopass


There is a experimental Docker image available. To use it, run:

docker run --name ledger-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres
docker run --name ledger-web \
  -e USERNAME=user \
  -e PASSWORD=change_me \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \
  -e LEDGER_PATH=/home/app/ledger/ledger.dat \
  -v /path/to/ledger_dir:/home/app/ledger \
  -p 8080:5000 --link ledger-db:db -d vifon/ledger-web

…substituting the passwords for the database and Ledger Web itself.

Ledger Web should be running on port 8080 now.

You may need to tweak the permissions of your Ledger file. Setting the owner UID to 1000 should do as a quick fix.

Manual installation

  1. Clone the repository and install the dependencies:

     git clone
     cd ledger-web
     virtualenv .venv
     . .venv/bin/activate
     pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Set up the database. SQLite is used by default, it can be changed in ledger/

     ./ makemigrations
     ./ migrate
  3. Set the access credentials:

     ./ createsuperuser
     ./ runserver

    Follow the instructions on screen and the enter http://localhost:8000/admin

    Add a new entry in the Ledger paths table for your user, pointing it to your Ledger file.

    If you want to use the HTTP API, add an access token too. A token should be between 32 and 256 characters long. You’ll need to generate it yourself, for example with pwgen 256 1.

  4. Customize ledger/, specifically you may be interested in the options starting with LEDGER_ at the end of this file.

  5. Check that everything works at http://localhost:8000/

  6. Enable the production mode in ledger/

    Either run make prod (see the output of make for the optional arguments) or follow these steps:

    • Set DEBUG = False.
    • Generate a new SECRET_KEY, for example with this snippet.
    • Enter your domain and possibly a localhost in ALLOWED_HOSTS.
    • Set STATIC_ROOT, for example '/var/www/ledger' + STATIC_URL and run ./ collectstatic.
  7. Set up a WSGI server (for example Gunicorn):

     pip install gunicorn
     gunicorn -w 4 -b ledger.wsgi
  8. Set up a reverse proxy in a HTTP server, for example Nginx, a config file included in examples/ledger.nginx.conf.


Ledger Web exposes an HTTP API that is used to add new Ledger entries. It is available under the following HTTP routes:

POST /ledger/submit/v1/

JSON arguments:

All arguments are strings unless specified otherwise.

This is the legacy API from older Ledger Web versions.

The skip_rules argument is optional, it causes the transaction to be submitted verbatim with no rules applied to it.

For example:

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8000/ledger/submit/v1/' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "account_from": "Assets:Bank",
    "account_to": "Expenses:Food",
    "payee": "Pizza",
    "amount": "10 USD",
    "token": "my_secure_token"

POST /ledger/submit/v2/

JSON arguments:

All arguments are strings unless specified otherwise.

For example:

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8000/ledger/submit/v2/' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "payee": "Pizza with George",
    "accounts": [
        ["Expenses:Food", "20 USD"],
        ["Assets:Loans:George", "10", "USD"],
    "token": "my_secure_token"

Replacement rules

If the payee submitted via the HTTP API matches one of the regexps in the added rules, the rule overrides the data passed in the HTTP request.

It can be used to process and/or clean up automated requests on card payment (left as an exercise for the user).

In the v2 API the account name gets replaced only for accounts equal to LEDGER_DEFAULT_TO in, the other accounts are left intact.

Copyright (C) 2019–2022 Wojciech Siewierski

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see